International Coverage Meeting a Global Demand | Superior Plastics

International Coverage

International plastic injection molding and mold building coverage from Superior PlasticsSuperior Plastics started working on plastics molding here in America over 30 years ago, but our success led to continued expansion and a wider client base. We now offer services in mold building, tooling, and custom injection molding all over the world.

We are able to provide world-class plastic molding services and fulfill project requirements of any size. We’ve worked with companies throughout the world, providing injection molding, assembly, subassembly and manufacturing services. We have the production capacity to service projects smaller in scope requiring a few hundred parts with a fast turnaround or larger projects requiring millions of parts over a longer period of time. Here are some of the keys to our success.


We’ve worked with projects on all levels of complexity, providing an array of molding services ranging from compression molding to thermoforming. We maintain some of the highest QA standards in our industry and are ISO-certified. We rely heavily on statistically driven processes and a team of dedicated quality assurance professionals to maintain these standards.


With over 30 years of experience in plastic molding in overseas and domestic mold-making, we have a wide range of production capabilities. We can produce to tight tolerances and oversee every stage of the design process. We manage multiple projects manually that fall into the category of to millions of parts annually for projects with significant time constraints. Our facility has full range capabilities when it comes to production and thermoplastics. Everyone from our knowledgeable management team to our machine operators are fully invested in the outcome of your project. We are able to work individually with customers for projects containing specialized quality assurance requirements.

Our Commitment to Excellence

We constantly work toward continuous process improvement. We are committed to servicing all projects with the highest level of precision with a goal of achieving a zero-defect production process. We monitor the performance of our machines used in production and test regularly to ensure that they are fit for high volume production. Our commitment to providing the best plastic molding services in the industry is demonstrated in every process implemented and protocol followed.

Our project management team will ensure a fast turnaround on any project of any size with total peace of mind on your part. When we partner with customers on various projects, we are constantly identifying new ways to reduce production costs while manufacturing reliable products on time consistently. Customers know that we can support projects of all sizes with our flexible production scheduling and our technological capabilities.

We’re happy to provide our services to a growing list of countries worldwide, including:

  • China
  • Belgium
  • The Netherlands
  • Korea
  • Mexico
  • Puerto Rico
  • Taiwan

If you’re interested in finding out more about our services, or would like to get a quote, contact us!

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