You can’t talk about plastic without mentioning the word resins, since there are more than 30 different types that make up this vital product. Without resins like polyethylene, or polyurethane, your product would be much more costly and the comfort level of it, if any, would be diminished considerably. With those resins, Superior Plastics can use the injection molding process to make its own form of magic. Below are five things you might be surprised to hear when it comes to this product: (more…)

Describing the steps of the plastic injection molding process of Superior Plastics is really a convergence of skilled labor, a laser-like focus on doing the job right and effective customer service, where clients are front and center in the decision process. (more…)
The many facets of the construction industry in Fort Worth and across the country involve different areas of expertise and a wide variety of products during the building process. In the area of plastics, the lower costs involved in their production through injection molding always get the attention of budget-conscious project managers. (more…)
Since the advent of flight more than a century ago, aircraft production for airplanes and helicopters has evolved from its most primitive form to the current production, where roughly half the final product is created with plastics.
The injection molding equipment at Superior Plastics has the ability to produce the necessary items that go into the production of these forms of aircraft.
When it comes to the world of injection molding, plastics are integral to the overall process. Through advanced technology, thermoplastics has made great strides in different aspects of industry, a strong indication that it’s here to stay. (more…)
Hiring a certified injection molding company may not seem to be important when the need arises. However, not taking that vital factor into account when making your choice means that you run the risk of entrusting your product to a company which may have minimal concern about maintaining the highest of standards. (more…)

The aerospace industry covers a wide spectrum of businesses in both the commercial and defense industries. The types of products that they create can range from light aircraft for an aviation enthusiast to a fighter jet used for conflict. In any and all cases, attention to detail is paramount when developing the products, especially when it comes to plastic injection molding.
When it comes to plastic injection molding, the creation process begins by creating the necessary plastic mold that will be used. That part is easy for Superior Plastics due to the availability of state-of-the-art machinery that is specifically designed to handle such jobs. (more…)
The value of a private labeling company might not be evident at first glance. However, not only local or regional companies embrace it, but the entire concept is one that’s used by many well-known entities in the retail industry. The growth of this idea can offer
a window into what it entails regarding a number of different aspects regarding the advantages of private labeling. (more…)
You always thought it would be nice to start a business of your own, finally freeing yourself from the daily grind and having to answer to the boss. You see how other people shove off into the ocean of uncertainty, starting businesses engaged in all kinds of lucrative commerce, earning more money than they ever did at their boring old job. But who could possibly afford such a venture on your meager salary? (more…)