The many facets of the construction industry in Fort Worth and across the country involve different areas of expertise and a wide variety of products during the building process. In the area of plastics, the lower costs involved in their production through injection molding always get the attention of budget-conscious project managers. (more…)
Environmentally Friendly Plastic from CO2
Recent developments have taken the plastic world by storm as it looks like CO2 emissions could be greatly reduced. Plastics are about to become more Eco-friendly than ever! (more…)
Turn Your Dream into Reality

You have an idea for a new product, an invention, an intuitively designed gadget that you alone had the inspiration and drive to create. Maybe your invention exists only on paper. Perhaps you have a prototype or a model of it already. You may be an inventor of aerospace tools or you may have the next million dollar idea for an “as seen on TV” product. Your piece has dimension and angles, undercuts and moving parts. It is something that you just know fills a need, and a niche. The next question is simple: how do you go about producing it?
Let us provide some helpful information.
Plastic Molding USA
Plastic injection molding in the USA and elsewhere plays a vital role in the way we live. The variety of expertly produced parts, products and devices that we use every day for work and recreation is endless. We are proud to say that Superior Plastics has helped to design and produce countless high quality plastic pieces that have served a variety of industries. From superior quality materials, our plastic injection molding expertise, combined with our commitment to excellence, has helped us serve a variety of industries, including the aerospace, telecommunications, electronics, and construction industries. Whatever industry your creation fits into, Superior Plastics can provide the service you need to see your project through to completion. (more…)
Plastic is one of the most amazing substances that man has ever created. It’s malleable, durable, and used in nearly all everyday objects. It’s one of the reasons transportation has become more fuel efficient – because a lot of the auto parts that used to be made with heavy metal are now made with lighter plastic. Plastic has also helped make medical care more affordable and safe, since it can be used to create medical equipment that is cheap and easily disposable. Plastics can be found in everything from furniture and electronic devices to sandwich bags and aircraft, and that is why it can be overwhelming when choosing a plastic injection molding company, since there are so many out there! Hopefully this article will help simplify the problem as we talk about why choosing a local company, when possible, is best.
Choose a Local Injection Molding Company
Dealing with a local injection molding company is just so much easier than dealing with a foreign company on so many levels. First, you will likely have a direct line of communication with a local company. When people call our DFW plastic molding company, they are directly connected with an actual Superior Plastics employee, not some middleman speaking English with an accent so heavy that you can barely understand him. Secondly, you won’t have to worry about time zone differences with a local company. You won’t need to plan out when to make a phone call, and it won’t take an unreasonably long amount of time to get a reply.
Today we’d like to highlight the ingenious efforts of a DIY plastic molder, who created a plastic molding process out of fairly primitive materials. You can read his story as he told it on Reddit. We got his permission to put together this post, but unfortunately we don’t have any access to actual photographs of his process.
Simple Methods with Extraordinary Results!
In East Africa, the ancient art of blacksmithing is getting a twenty-first century, eco-friendly upgrade. A writer working under the pseudonym Technosaur has developed a “smelting” process for recycling plastic and rubber, allowing for an innovative form of custom plastic molding.
Necessity Gives way to Invention Again
Technosaur’s village lacks safe running water, and tire-soled shoes are common footwear there. Perhaps it was this culture of upcycling – repurposing used materials into new products – that cultivated Technosaur’s ambition to go the step further and build a home-based plastics recycling method. In a reddit post, Technosaur explains that while plastic products are unavoidable, it is possible to reduce the waste they create by melting them down and molding them into new items. (more…)
In the 1800s, the advent of plastics and polymers spawned the concept of injection molding. The basic definition of injection molding is easy to understand. In the case of plastic injection molding, plastic resins, sometimes referred to as “plasticizers,” are passed through a heated plastic injection mold to create specific product forms. Under heated temperatures, these resins become pliable and elastic enough to be transferred to molds. One example of injection molding is the method by which window lineals are produced. In this example, polymerized plasticizer resins are entered into a heated industrial hopper and transferred through a screw or clamp type output to a plastic injection molding machine with sprue and ejector controls. The heated elasticized material is shaped into long rods by the injection mold process. The injection mold may be designed with decorative curves and angles, or the injection mold may include small markings. These markings indicate where the rods will be joined so fabricators can attach these to window glass to create window frames. Some injection molding machines also have cooling chambers where high heat temperatures are required to create the final product. (more…)
Plastic Injection molding Based in Fort Worth Texas

If you’ve spent time researching plastic injection molding companies, you’ve probably had to wade through a number of websites, reading page after page of unverifiable claims. Chances are you read a lot of vague suggestions which didn’t possess the facts and guarantees needed to inspire confidence. Superior Plastics stands out from the rest of those companies because we have the experience and confidence to promise you the best plastic injection molding services in the industry. And these aren’t empty words – we’ve proven time and again to all our clients that Superior Plastics is the industry leader. (more…)