Mark 2 Moisture Analyzer | Injection Molding | Superior Plastics

Mark 2 Moisture Analyzer

Certain industries have a strong need to have accurate measurements with regard to moisture samples, and that need is almost always connected for such results to be presented in a timely fashion.

These industries include those with a close connection to foods, chemicals and wastewater, but encompass other areas as well. What connects each of these companies is the need for effective quality control.

The Value of the Mark 2 Moisture Analyzer

Superior Plastics has the luxury of having the Mark 2 Moisture Analyzer at its disposal, which allows for an accurate moisture measure to be done in a fraction of the time. Thanks to the infrared heat connected to it, the production process is able to speed up and any weight loss can be detected. Speed and information like that can end up making the bottom line more appealing for all involved.

Temperature settings have a wide range, spanning from the mid 80’s all the way up to just over 400 degrees. In addition, storage for many previous tests is possible here, so that each one can be subsequently gauged with the proper attention to detail.


Such testing has already been pre-programmed on a Mark 2 Moisture Analyzer, so that any moisture content that’s deemed substandard can be eliminated in a short period of time. That avoids the final product not being up to the standards of an experienced injection molding business.

The resins that will be used can be measured even before the injection molding process begins, which means that the combination of pre-programming and careful attention by the technician involved converge to allow accuracy to be achieved on a regular basis.

Experience and Dependability

The Dallas/Fort Worth area has been well aware of what Superior Plastics is capable of doing since it first arrived as part of the injection molding scene in 1981. That message has reached across the oceans to allow the company the opportunity to present its capabilities to an international audience.

Following the ASTM reference value and the standard AOAC methods when determining accurate tests, Superior Plastics rigidly adheres to the most stringent guidelines in this demanding segment of the business community, and makes sure that deadlines are met. Clients expect nothing less, so when the need for accurate moisture analysis of samples is present, the company to depend on is ready and waiting.