Configuration Management

  1. Configuration Management planning and identification is performed through the work order, customer drawing, and inspection.
  2. These 3 documents are part specific, so each configuration is identified.
  3. These 3 documents have all the pertinent information (processes and components) to complete the configuration per customer requirements.

Change Control

  1. Any changes flowed down from our customers is reviewed for changes to configuration by management.
  2. When a change occurs after the job has been released to production, production and quality are informed and all new pertinent data is evaluated. Depending on the change, production may or may not be stopped.
  3. This evaluation takes into account as a minimum:
    a) The part configuration revision,
    b) potential impact on the contract, schedule, and / or cost,
    c) changes in any special processes (if any),
    d) any changes needed to internal documentation.
  4. Upon completion of this evaluation, all pertinent documents are retrieved and changed accordingly to reflect current revisions (if applicable).
  5. Verification of change is confirmed at inspection.

Configuration Status Accounting

  1. Configuration status accounting is performed throughout the product realization of the part to ensure the configuration meets requirements.
  2. Records accumulated throughout the production process demonstrate that the configuration management process is effective.

Configuration Audit

  1. A physical configuration audit is performed prior to each shipment.
  2. During this audit, every configuration requirement is verified for completion and acceptability against customer requirements.
  3. At a minimum, the following are verified:
    a) All production processes are complete,
    b) all special processes are complete,
    c) all certifications are complete,
    d) all critical dimensions have been inspected and approved (if applicable),
    e) all required documentation is present.
  4. Upon completion of this audit, the parts are authorized to ship.

Evidence of Configuration Management

  1. Evidence of Configuration Management (as applicable);
    a) Work order shows drawing revision and components needed for configuration,
    b) raw material certifications are on file or are available upon request,
    c) hardware certifications are on file or are available upon request,
    d) special processes are on file or are available upon request,
    e) bubbled drawing (if required by FAI)

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